I know its been a while folks, and i also know you definitely do not want to hear about it again, but the D-train has left the station. Were chugging at full speed, lol. Its been a long time coming, im just glad i had such a good run there for a little while. I think it was because i ate 3 day old street food........I just got greedy. Im just glad im here in my own apartment, with my own bathroom, and running water. Couldnt be under better cicumstances, lol.
Anyways, Finally have something to write about. I am graduating my first English class next friday. They take their exam next wed. and i am planning a little graduation party for them. Ill bring some sodas, a few twinkies, some candies, etc. It should be fun. I printed out their certificates. Certificates are a huge deal in this country, you get them for just about everythin. Peoples resumes are like 5 inches thick with these ridiculous certificates, with everything from recess MVP to Chess Club. Anyways, I made them for the students and now the director of the school wants me to make one for the school, lol. She wants it to say something like, "Certificate of appreciation for letting Peace Corps utilize one of the classrooms to teach english." She wants to put it up on the wall of her office.........i guess whatever makes people happy, who am i to rob them.
Im also beginning a 4 week computer repair class at the school. They have been begging me for it, so i decided to just suck it up and do it. Even though we dont have electricity half the time, ill still try to teach a computer class, lol.
Im also going to the border town of Dajabon next sunday. Its....60 miles from Haiti? Something like that....we have also been advised that there is a breakout of Cholera in Haiti......when was the last time you heard that.....anywhere.....isn't there a book thats titled "Love in the time of Cholera"? It just makes me think of a really old obsolete disease that just rose from the grave to torment the unfortunate people of Haiti. Symptoms include but are not limited to: Painful pure white liquid diarrhea and vomiting......sounds like dinner at a Dominican restaurant to me. I guess the difference is that this disease will kill you in 24-48 hours purely from dehydration. Bring it on!!!
Also, another woman has jumped off the bridge to their death here in Santiago. This is the second time a woman has jumped off this bridge. Its crazy! Its the bridge of death. Ive never really lived near a bridge so i dont know if this is normal bridge behavior, but its wild to me.
Thats about it for now. Miss you guys!