Well.......i understand its been a long time since we last spoke. :)
Id like to say ive been way to busy to bother with this blog, but i have just simply forgotten about it, lol. Im gonna try to do better , though.
So my trip home was great, got to see all my friends and family, went to South Carolina, Tampa, Orlando, Mt. Dora, muchas lugares, had my first firehouse sub, tasted the sweet bliss of coal fire grilled steak with twice baked potatoes and milk that was sold....and has been cold. Loved the trip, but was happy to be coming back to my life here as well.
Upon returning, Heather and I took a little readjustment trip to the southeast of the country. We just wanted to give ourselves a little break from vacation, ya know? We visited Juan Dolio, La Romana, and Bayahibe. We also visited two islands off the coast of Bayahibe that are part of the national park system here in the DR. We visited a tiny deserted island called Catalinita, which is also where the beach fight scene from the second Pirates of the Carribeean movie takes place!!!!! We snorkled in the crystal blue waters for star fish and conch shells, Heather saw a shark, and im glad i didnt because it would have smelt my fear and bitten my legs and arms off letting me fend for myself as human chum. I hate sharks. We went to Isla Saona which has a small indigenous community of only 500 people and 1 Peace Corps volunteer, lol. It was a great trip.
Since then i have been figuring out ideas to implement in my community. My Tentaive plan as of now is to finish all my Medical Mission responsibilities by the end of February, yes i do work. Med. Missions is really crazy this time of year we have 5 happening in Jan. and Feb. By the start of march i will start a Business Plan group, where i will teach a group of kids how to create a business plan and ask for funding. Its a program set up by Peace Corps and every year they have a competition to see which plan sounds the most feasible. The winner can win up to 70,000 pesos to start their small business.
Other things i have planned are an Engineers Club in my detention center. Its basically a series of science experiments that lets kids get hands on experience with science and that sort of thing. I am excited to start that soon. These inmates have never seen anything like this.
Im also planning out my second level english class, because my neighbor wont stop talking about it, lol.
In other news, my best friend and neighbor in my community was just exiled from his house. Thats a little harsh, he still living there, but his wife told him to leave for whatever reason. He wasnt very clear with me, and its a subject that is none of my business. He is moving across the street to the unit below mine, lol. Hes been taking it kinda hard so keep him in your prayers.
I also witnessed a domestic stabbing on my way to work the other day. I was walking and i hurt a bunch of kids get up and start running towards me screaming CORTALO which means cut hiim! in spanish, so you could imagine my paralysis. I accepted my fate at that moment, i was like this is how its gonna end i will be stabbed to death repeatedly with little tiny dull cheap knives so they can steel my cell phone and latest john irving book. They ran right past me though to a disputing young couple. I didnt see how it happened but the man walked away with a stab wound that was bleeding quite well.
On the health front, i have some mystery rash again. Dont know what it is or why i have it, but its there. a million tiny insect bites is what it looks like. Pretty painful, but nothing new, lol. Just gotta wait it out. its all over hands and arms, waist and knees. It keeps spreading.....I have enough lotion to last.
Anyways, thats about it. Ill have to post pictures later because im on the school computers. Adios