Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Soooo yea im blogging from my apartment! i randomly get wireless internet connections apparently. Its the weirdest thing.
In other news. My host mom is claiming i never paid her for the month of July, when i am 99.99 percent sure that i did. The problem is, there is no proof to say i did or didnt. I have the bank statement saying that i withdrew 6000 pesos from my account but she just refuses to believe i gave it to her. She keeps telling me that shes not trying to cheat me, but i think she forgot i gave her the money. I dont have that 6000 pesos. I gave it to her. ITs a really bad situation because, basically, if i dont giver her the money the barrio will ostracize me, and claim i took advantage of "dominican hospitality". But i dont have 6000 pesos to give her. Just because i am an american does not mean i can just dish out bills like its snowing. People just dont get that here, they beleive we have a bottomless ban account. I did give her the money, but if i dont give her another 6000 ill look really bad in my community. Its a really hard place to be in.
Well, other than that. I had my first deli-sliced chicken breast and meunster cheese sandwich today. MMMMMM. It was sooo good. I got some potatoe chips, a soda, and just chilled on my balcony. It was so much better than eating 18 pounds of rice. I love living on my own. And i apparently have wireless now, lol. This is PEace Corps.......ruffing it.
So, tomorrow i teach my first computer class to the detention center. Im pretty pumped! I have it all planned out in my notebook and am ready to get in there and teach these kids how to work a mouse! lol
Oh i also, lost my keys in cabarete, so we had to bust the deadbolt with a hammer and break into my house. That was exciting. And i had to buy a new deadbolt...
Well thats about it for now. Dish out some ideas about my host mom, help me figure out what to do.

1 comment:

  1. Senor, are we going to have to send a care giver for you??
    Glad you're liking being your own chef.
    Love and Prayers
    Gramma and Granpa
