Anyways (theres another one) not much new here. Yesterday was an awesome day for me and my school. As I mentioned before, I have been communicating with the Carol Morgan School to come and help us out with science lab equipment...since we have none....and yesterday they came!!!
Oh man was it great! They came and held a 3 hour science lab with 25 of my students!! Keep in mind that these kids have never in their lives been a part of a science lab, or done any science experiments in school. They had no idea science was anything but theory. we split up into 5 groups of 5 with 3 students from Carol Morgan in each group. These kids are bi-lingual, very privileged students that have very bright prospects, in contrast with my students who can speak one language poorly who have no real regard for the future or anything past lunch. It was hard to convince these kids to stay after school to attend this lab, because they reaped no immediate benefits from it in their mind. One kid kept asking if they were going to give diplomas or certificates....for a 3hour lab!! Its so frustrating sometimes. Anyways, They ate their words, because each and every one of them had a blast. I could tell from the look on their faces, I had a few teachers sit in, and they were loving it. It felt so good to be able to connect 2 existing organizations together. At the end of the lab they presented us with a brand new microscope!! The room burst into thunderous applause. Not only that, one of the teachers from Carol Morgan is making a second trip up here to deliver more chemicals and instruments for our lab! We will finally have the tools necessary to start using our science lab. Sustainability!
Other than that, my small business class is going pretty well. I have 3 students (take what you can get) and 1 actually just dropped out.....kinda....shes gonna sit in the class but not actually another one bites the dust. The other 2 seem pretty motivated. One has the idea to open his own restaurant, the other to open a Laundromat. These dont sound that cool, i know, but they are pretty big needs here.
Im started that engineers club June 1st, just made the formal invitation for 15 boys between 11-15 years old. Its gonna be on my roof deck, pretty excited about that. The kids ask me every day when it will start.
We have still been having a lot of rain here. My apartment flooded again yesterday, so that sucked.
Now im gonna vent about something. Some of you may know my project partner/good friend Francisco. Well, some of you also may know his wife left him/kicked him out of the house for no apparent reason other than she wanted her "freedom" back, (bitter). He now lives across the street from his house in a tiny shack of a house, while his ex-wife and kids live in the house that HE PAID FOR. I know there are 2 sides to every story and what not, but this woman is cold-hearted and just....a.....ya know. She admits he never cheated on her, and wont give any reason why they broke up other than the freedom thing. She just hates him. He is just as confused as ever, and to make matters worse, she now refuses to cook for him, even though he is paying her!!! Its not like he eats in the house, his daughter brings the food to him and he eats alone. Now he has to go out and buy food. I make him some food sometimes, but as the father of her children , i believe its her responsibility to make the food that he is paying for. There is one side to this story, she's horrible, thats it. I just want you all to take his side on this, haha. I know its a terrible thing to say, but she is pure evil. Ahh, makes me so angry.
Anyways, thats all for now. Adios!
I'll take his side. Also, I think I want to come teach in the DR. Maybe I'll move there soon.