Anyways, short blog. Not much going on here. Started my engineers group to a raging success! 10 kids showed up on time, were excited the whole time, didnt want to leave, and couldnt wait till the next class! ITs such a refreshing attitude, as opposed to the way people have felt about my computer classes, which can be summed up in one photo....
Thats a picture of a boy smashing a computer monitor like it tried to molest him.
Other than that, weve been advancing through my small business class, and are halfway through with my 2 students, lol. They are getting a lot out of it, though, which is good.
Well, thats about it. Gotta go to the hardware store to pick up some waterproofing materials.
Here is a picture of my new engineer group!
Here is a photo of me and the group
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