Each kid received a diploma and a superlative (most creative, best leader, most compassionate, etc) which were little origami shirts and ties, i thought they were just the coolest things ever. We had donuts and fresh-squeezed lemonade. They were excited about the idea to teach the new kids.
Wrapping up the business plans from my small business class, they are due on Sunday, so we will see how those turn out, lol.
Not much else going on here really. Oh! I guess i haven't told you guys about this. Myself, Fabian and Chandler (2 other volunteers) are planning a small "Sports day" for the kids from our 3 communities. It will be an all day event held at my high-school, we are gonna do things like water-balloon dodgeball, a couple relay races, some kickball, wiffle ball, etc. The point is to try to relate some relevant information to these kids ages 10-15 about the dangers of HIV/AIDS, safe sex, all that stuff. We see it as a huge problem in our communities so we thought we would bring 45 kids together, butter them up with sports and candy so that they don't fall asleep while we give our speeches, haha. That age range is around the time kids start discovering themselves, so we figured we would try to nip it in the bud. Anyways, through the donations you guys made last time i was home, and the fundraising Fabain and Chandler are doing it is looking like we are gonna be able to expand our little camp day. We may be able to invite other volunteers in the area to bring their kids and increase the diversity. So, thanks to all you guys forthe support and we promise to make it worth it! The tentative date is set for Sept. 3, so look forward to that!
Anyways, thats about it. Pasa un buen dia
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