So, for real, what have i been doing.....well, let me think....i have been installing these bio-sand water filters i have been talking about for the pat few months. We have installed 8 of 40 so we are moving at a slow pace, but it is super cool to see the end product of something i do. Mostly, i teach classes and never really get to know if anything sticks, it may or may not. With the filters, i get to install (well i supervise francisco or josiel) the filters and then i get to literally drink the end product! All 8 people we have installed have been absolutely ecstatic with the results. They were all skeptical. Believe it or not, 2 people actually returned their filter before we got to install it because they didn't trust it, SUCKERS! These filters can filter 200 gallons of water a day! The water is cleaner then the stuff that comes out of the botellon (5 gallon water jugs you see at your office). Im certified, so i would know, ha. Anyways, so this guy gives me a cat in return for installing his filter, and im like ok cool i wanted a cat to kill all the rats (that ate through BOTH my air mattresses, sorry future visitors) and spiders and lizards that i live in peaceful harmony with. So, the guy brings the cat over in a sack and tells me its really brava (angry). Im used to cats being all fluffy, calm and kinda doing their own thing. This cat must have swallowed a pit-viper. The sounds this thing made to defend itself were terrifying. Yes, i was terrified of this cat and you would have been too. So, i throw a blanket over him run upstair and throw him off my balcony.....just kidding. He tried to kill me, so i just let him go in the house to get used to everything. I went out for a bit that night and by the time i had come back the cat was gone, and it had broken 6 glass coke bottles that were on the floor. GOOD RIDDANCE ya stupid cat. Anyways, a few days later my neighbor tells me she found the cat in the garbage dump right next to my house. Im like, gimme a break, i dont want the thing anymore. So, i decided to give it back to the guy who gave it to me, but when i went to grab it, it bit the living tar out of me. There is a 99 percent chance this thing has rabies, especially now that its been rummaging in trash for 4 days. The wound starts to swell and get infected, and i start to get really angry (probably just in my head, ha) so i call the medical office at Peace Corps and they tell me to come in for a rabies shot. So, at 1pm i head to the capital, get there at 5, receive the shot, leave 10 minutes later, get home right at 10. Moral of the story, I am not a cat person!
In other news, i have just been working on the usual stuff, school, engineers club, finished up my business class, gonna start another youth group based on global diversity, which i am pretty excited about. It will be a 6 week class that takes a tour around the globe. We will be learning things about different cultures, how to speak different languages, different customs, etc. It will be good for these kids to get a sense of global awareness. Not everyone believes in God (unfortunately) not everyone looks like you, not everyone dances bachata, stuff like that. The biggest thing in my life has been the whole rabies scare, so thats all i can really think of right now.
Ill try to update more frequently, ha.
ps here is my awesome beard! with two other volunteers Topher, and Chandler at this new hang out spot in Santiago.

Never get rid of that beard..EVER! lol
ReplyDeleteYeah, dude. That's a good look for you!