So, i just spent a week in a Batey in the south of the country learning Kreyol. It was a blast! Kreyol is a very simple language to pick up. Verbs never conjugate, its basically all vocab, lol. Our class was held outside to the amusement of the pigs, goats and chickens that would run through the middle of it. The community we stayed in was one of the poorest i have ever seen, with kids literally pooping in the streets. We played soccer and frisbee on a field made out of hard-packed animal manure.
During one of our breaks we were sharing a bag of peanuts. A little girl came up to us and asked if she could have some....of course right? So, we gave her some, then we finish the bag.....then she asks for the bag......and puts it in her mouth, chews it and swallows it whole. I saw her put the bag in her mouth, but i thought she just wanted to suck the salt out of the bag......There is your perspective right there people. Stuff might suck, but at least your not begging for plastic bags to eat.
After training ended a few of us went further down south to Los Patos to hang out with a volunteer that is placed there. He lives right on the bach, its an incredible site.
It would be so distracting to live there. We ate some of the local fare: fried fish with rice and fried plantains. The fish is so fresh and i have not had any better anywhere else!
We just hung out on the beach and relaxed out minds from being taught how to speak Kreyol in Spanish and speaking a little english, ha. We then caught the bus to PEdernales which is the western most city in the DR. Super close to the border of Haiti. We cruised down there and got 5 pounds of mahi-mahi from someones sketch backyard walk in freezer. NEver thought i would see one of those here! We grilled it up on Justins grill that is a propane tank cut in half, very cool.
Over all it was an awesome trip, alot of work a little play. Now im back to the grind. We had 40 more filters approved and waiting on 60 more. I still have my celebrando el mundo class, and im trying to organize a small basketball tournament in my community to raise money to buy trash cans. A few things going on, staying busy.
Well thats about all i got for now. Enjoy the photos!
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