Monday, June 21, 2010


So its been a while since ive gotten to use the internets. Even though the school i teach at has 40 computers and A/C the Interet is gone. No one seems to know why either. This country is soooo weird. I was like what happened to the wireless routers and they just shrugged their shoulders and said someone probably took them.....????? What does that mean. So anyways i do not have nearly enough access to free internet as i did during the school year, so these blogs will get far and fewer between. I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel right now trying to steal some web-time.
Anyways this past week was my birthday, and i had a blast celebrating it in the DR. Hung out Wednsday for a little bit, saw some sites, ate at Pizza Hut (Yes!) and then on Saturday about 15 volunteers from my group came into Santiago and stayed the night. We just chilled out all day watching some Worldcup Action and enjoying some ice cold cervezas. Then we went out dancing that night, which was a lot more fun than it sounds, haha. All in all it was a very memorable night, haha.
As for as work goes, i have not been doing too much. Im just starting to create English and Computer class curriculums. I will be starting the English classes the start of August, im pretty excited to get that going. Everyone takes the month of July off here entirely. Teachers, students, so its difficult to get any real wok done. Im just going to have to hang out for a month before i can start anything serious.....bummer, lol.
On a cultural note, My host-sister is getting married on July 24 and she asked me to go. So now i can share my feeling about marriage in a different language. I plan on giving a toast that begins with Por Favor, No! Just kidding, haha, kinda....
I was also accepted to go on a medical mission. Its 1 week long in Yacita. I will stay with a group for the university of southern MAine and translate between doctors and patients. Should be interesting, woo hoo.
Well anyways, thats about all i got going on. Tomorrow im off to a resort on an island off the coast of the DR. ITs about time for a vacation, haha.
Love and miss you guys lots


  1. Sounds like things are going better. My sister went to University of Souther Maine! Needless to say, they'll all probably be dumb asses. Just kidding, but seriously. Ok, good talk.

  2. This group really takes peace seriously-love your neighbers, party hearty, and work little!!!Little did you expect!
    Hope you get-away was fun. I doubt we will hear how many went with you????
    Arminda is off to LB and girl's weekend- fun ahead.
    I will be going to Mt Dora to see your dad.
    Praying for you
    Love you
    Grampa and Gramma

  3. Joe! You are going to be like down the road from my town (Jamao al Norte) and Alanna Savage (in Gaspar Hernandez). When you go to Cabarete let me know I wanna check it out.
