Monday, June 14, 2010


So there is a new theory as to how life began on earth, thankyou Yahoo homepage. No one is ever going to know for sure, i dont know why people waste their time. Neither Evolution NOR Creation are proven fact. Lets put some of those scientists to a more fruitful endeavor, like creating a new genre of Chia pets, lol. There is something we can hold onto with both hands.
Anyways, just thought i would share that with you guys. It made me laugh when i saw it this morning. ç
So, its a hot summer in the DR. I get tired stepping outside. Its quite miserable. The good news is, my birthday is in 2 days! I will be 23! Im an old man here. If i was Dominican i would be married with children by now, scary to think about. A bunch of volunteers are coming to Santiago on Saturday to celebrate. It also happens to be another volunteers birthday this week too, so its a joint fiesta. Should be a good time.
Well, im in good health for now, gracias a dios. Cross your fingers. My bowel movements are regular. I have been playing dominoes a lot, and am finally starting to win against true Dominicans, its quite a rush. My host mom made me Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for dinner last night, and it was amazing. I miss american food so much. I have gotten sick from Dominican food so often that it has just lost any appeal, not that it had much to begin with. But this puts me in a quandry. I enjoy chicken and rice, but thats about it. The diet here consists of Platano, Yuka, Name, Tayota, Papa, Patata, rice, beans, solomi, chicken, egg. All those names you dont recognize are bland starch foods. I hate them, lol. Some volunteers like them, but they are not for me. I miss Marinated steak on the grill with twice baked potatoes and fresh green beans, crescent rolls. I miss 4-cheese penne pasta with sliced up chicken breast, ceaser salads. I miss sub sandwiches! Just gimme a dagum turkey and cheese and ill be fine, but it jsut doesnt exist to them! I went and bought my own peanut butter and had my host sister make banana and PB sandwich with Lays potato chips and a coke for lunch the other day, it...........was.............heaven. I cant wait until i live on my own so i can make anything i want, anytime i want, always. I Miss cereal too, but the milk here is....odd....its sold in a box...warm, and it has a idfferent taste to it, i dunno. I just dont think i will ever crave Dominican food.
Anyways, there is my rant for the day. DR food sucks, when you guys come to visit stick with the resort food, lol. Unless you want to loose 10 pounds fast, then i can take you to a nice place in my neighborhood, haha.
Adios muchachos


  1. You shoulda been at your birthday party on Saturday. Josh hand-made burgers and bbq chicken. Also had some amazing strawberry cake on your behalf. You probably wouldn't have like any of it though.

    Also, Yuka can be good. The Lime serves Yuka Fries instead of french fries. Probably not how they are served in the DR, but their version is delicious.

    Anyways, glad to hear your healthy and (cross my fingers) rash/explosive bowel free. Miss ya so much I'll have to drink a beer in your honor on your birthday.

  2. American snacks await at the resort on the 22nd! We're off to NYC. Case at Camp. Love ya, Ma

  3. Fried yucca = delicious if done right, same with fried plantains. Also Joe I am going to punch you on Saturday for saying that 23 is old, I´m turning 27 this year and I think should be a grandpa at this point in country or at least have like 5 kids already.

    Ditto on the peanut butter, I'm pretty sure every volunteer currently has a stash of secret American food that they eat when no doña is looking, hah.

    Also I think I had dysentery yesterday, which some Cipro totally killed, I feel your pain buddy that totally sucked.
