So i just got back from spending a few days at a resort in Semana. I managed to contract some disease there also, so now im back in the sick house. The resort was amazing though. I got to sleep in a king size bed with sheets! Air conditioning! a bathroom with a door on it! Hot water showers, bathtub! It was all surreal. I ate incredible food that was not even remotely Dominican!I think i enjoyed the regular food a little too much which is why im sick again. Anyways, the trip to semana took a good 1000 pesos, 10 hours, 2 buses, 1 taxi, and boat. It was well worth it though. We stuffed ourselves at the Buffet that night to try and bury the road weariness. IT rained most of the time but it didnt ruin the trip.
But now im back in the real world. Slowly adjusting back to absoultely terrible dominican food and a sheet acting as a bathroom door, haha, but its all good. There is not much going on here. Just playing dominoes, reading, the usual. Trying to nurse myself back to health again. Seems to be a full time job here.
Ive also decided to move out on my own by the end of july. ITs tough trying to tiptoe around my host families feelings. They are nice people but they just dont understand how someone cannot eat 18 pounds of platano in one sitting. IF i dont finish everything on my plate they are personally offended but then i end up spending the night curled around the toilet. I think it will be just easier for eveyone if i get my own place, COOK for MYSELF. Plus ill be paying half the money i am right now to live on my own. For those of you who know me know i like my own space, lol.
Anyways, thats about it in my exciting life.
Love the pictures!! Glad to hear you had a great time....sorry to hear that you are sick, again. Should be exciting to get a place of your own! Make sure there is enough room in case anyone wants to visit! :)
ReplyDeleteMiss you!
Glad you had a nice break, sorry to hear you are sick again, yikes! Looks like a nice resort. Getting your own place sounds nice, good luck with that. What is that guy feeding in the first shot? A a sea lion or a bear?!
ReplyDeleteLoved the pictures of the resort. I am hoping you are better today. Gramma says eat a banana a day. Also prune juice is good for this type of problem too. Dad says your prospective place sounds very nice. Did you get any more mail?