Thursday, June 3, 2010

here we go again

sooooooooo......i feel like its been a while since i last reported a major illness. Right now im battling with Ameobic Dysentary. Basically, both ends, all the time, cant even keep water down. I had to come to the capital yesterday to receive treatment and im doing a lot better, gracias a dios. I just ate my first meal this morning since 8pm tuesday night. A bland turkey sandwich and some yogurt well see how that sits, i was able to keep down 50oz of rehydration solution last night, which is a good sign. For the most part i think the worst is over, but i have to stay here an extra night and get my poo examined to make sure its not something more serious. Its not all bad. I get put up in a private room at a nearby pension(aka, the crappiest room at a motel 6)with ac, cable tv, and a private bathroom! So im living it up for a few days. Funny thing about this situation was, we had not had running water in Santiago for like 2 weeks because the town water pump was destroyed, but the night i threw up my toenails we had running water. Just a little sign from God saying: Im teaching you a lesson about eating rise and spaghetti at a scetchty buffet, but i will let you flush the toilet today. The Lords ceasless mercy, lol. Just a little silver lining. Things could be a lot worse, so im thankful for that. i still have most of my major motor skills.
But anyways, on tuesday before this all happened i was in Puerto Plata jumping off waterfalls. Yea, Awesome, I know. So its a place called Las Charcas, and their are 27 waterfalls, you start with number 27 and jump down each one until you get to number 1. Some of them are as high as 30 meters, others are like 5. It was a blast! You have to wear a helmet and a lifejacket though, because some of the waterfalls dive into narrow crevices, kinda like a canyon, and their have been a few "incidents", in the past. Its was sooo much fun though, and really cheap. So if any of you guys ever come down, we gotta check that out.
Well im here in the capital for another night, watching sportcenter in Spanish and chilling at the peace corp office waiting for my next ameobic attack, wish me luck.
Love and miss you guys a lot, vaya con dios


  1. Man, sorry to hear about the new bug. Sounds like you are making the best of a bad situation living it up in a hospital. Maybe you can take Kim on a tour of the health care facilities in the DR when we get down there! Take care, get well and keep the good attitude. It is all part of the journey...

  2. What a lot of trouble!!! Sure hope you are doing better now.
    Praying every time you name pops into our head.
    Love Grampa and Gramma

  3. Sounds like Charlie (I believe that was your tapeworms name) is pissed off to a whole new level. Anyways, keep track of the epic things there so we can do then when I come visit. It's not a question of if I come, but when. PS- saw on facebook you're probably coming home for Christmas! That's super exciting. Anyways, hope all is well. It's not the same here without you and now Don is gone too.

    Miss ya tons buddy!
