So my friend is letting me borrow her Internet card for an undefined period of time until she gets a new computer. Basically, it means i get rapid fast internet all the time now, which is awesome.
So, not a lot going on since Monti Cristi, just been working like a fool. Long stressful days. It's nice having something to fill my time though. I feel like im contributing, lol. So here are a few things ive been up to:
1. English Classes: We are the end of our second week and everyone seems to be enjoying the class. We play lots of games that incorporate english vocab and stuff like that. Its a very interactive class, had our first pop quiz the other day and everyone seemed to do well, so i think were on track. We played jeopardy with numbers the other day and it turned into a battle royal. Both sides were standing and shouting, the game ended in a tie, and they were not having that. Someone was going to win, but it worked out for me because i could just say, "Everybody is a winner, yay!" Dominicans don't like that very much....noted.
2. Juvenile Detention Center: Probably the most difficult thing i've involved myself in. The kids are so rowdy, they always stray off task, never pay attention, its a chore just trying to get them to stay in their seats. But every now and then you get through to a kid, and it makes all the crap worth it. Like today, i was teaching out of a program called Typing Master Pro, and there was this one kid, Joheidy (no its not a misspelling), and i tried to explain the program, then he explained he didn't know how to read. I just assume that 16 year old kids know how to read, but its not always the case here. He struggled a lot at first with the program, but i just sat with him and tried to explain it in other terms, and eventually he was getting better. I could see his progress, he was so excited kept telling me to come over and see how well he was doing. By the end of class he could manage the entire middle of the key board, which is huge for a kid that can't read. Oh, it was just the greatest feeling in the world. To see a kid be proud of himself in something he should be proud of. He just kept getting better, by the end of class he didnt want to leave. Ive come to realize that these kids sometimes just need someone to encourage them or give them a pat on the back, some kind of shove. Its been difficult finding a teaching style, and its difficult having patience with these kids, but its probably the most rewarding thing ive done so far.
3. Medical Missions: I have another med mission on the 17th of september, so next week. Its about 9 days, im pretty pumped. Stay in a Hotel, everything is payed for. Ill be working my butt off, but ill get some nice accommodations.
On cultural note, Dominican children have no grasp on the fact that i speak english as a primary language. They know i dont speak spanish well, and then when i start speaking english to them, they are they assume im just stuck in the middle of a few languages, but dont really speak any of them well.......guess you had to be here, lol.
Anyways thats about it for now, im gonna ty to attach some pics for you guys. The picture of the truck is the what we rode in the back of for 45 minutes down a mountain, lol.
Buen provecho
Love the photos. I'm bringing you another board short too. See that one often. So happy that you are happy.