Thursday, September 16, 2010

Me Fui

Sorry for the last gap in posts. I recently told you had a super fast internet card, well it was taken back by the original owner, so i dont have it anymore. Back to the ol 30 minutes of internet a day thing. Which i am kind of glad about. The internet took up probably 80 percent of my time in the US, rendering me useless to the outside world. Without i have had a chance to rediscover so many other things like reading, hanging out with neighbors, traveling, working more. Its a releif to not have internet constantly at my fingertips, although sometimes it would be

Anyways, im here in the computer lab trying to continue formatting all the computers. Its such a pain in the butt! But what else do i have to do, i have precious little electricity so i have to bag em out as quickly as i can.

Im leaving for La Capital tomorrow for the next 10 days. I will be on another medical mission. This one is ear reconstruction and its going to be intense. Aside from all the administrative duties that we have, we will also be taking dominican patients into the pre-op rooms, prepping them for surgeries, outfittin gthem with sterilized gowns and such, then walking them into the surgery room, translating between the doctor and anesthesiologist, and then wheeling the patient into post op and waiting for them to wake up to offer support and care, lol. It sognna be an adventure, but we get to stay at a super fancy hotel with AC and hot water, TV and a full service gym. Everything is paid for, so for the next 10 days i will not be paying a single peso for it.

Anyways, thats about it, gotta get back to work. Tenga un buen dia, adios

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