Saturday, April 10, 2010


So we have internet in the lab today so i thought i should take advantage of the freebie. They are few and far between these days. So today the president of the DR is coming to town. Whoopdi dooo. One of my host moms sons is a personal body guard to the President, which is kind of interesting.
In other news, i have a parasite. A little bug that i contracted through some kind of food or drink. Im taking medication for it right now, so im hoping it blows over soon.
Not much else really going on here. Empanadas are amazing here. im poor.
haha love and miss you guys tons


  1. So good to hear all the news. Everyone is happy to hear about everything but the parasite. Chase and Taylor stopped by to get some sand for a sunday school lesson Chase was teaching. Nice to see them. He is leaving soon for his internship in South Carolina. He may go to Isarel in November. Ben Roth is not being charged with at this time. Tiger woods making a strong showing at the Masters. Allen and Kim & Kids are in the Keys for Spring Break. Made Dad Choc Dessert for his Birthday. Love ya Mom

  2. How could a parasite attack a nice guy like you. Obviously not a Christian bug. Hope you are OK soon
    Love ya, Grampa and Gramma
