Friday, April 16, 2010


So i got letters yesterday!!!! It was like Christmas morning! I got 2 from my Mom and 1 from Gene. Thanks everyone else for caring, lol, just kidding, but seriously. Curiously i got the last 2 letters my mom wrote me......but not the first 3.........wierd.......anyways, it really was aawesome to receive mail. IT was a bright spot in an otherwise pretty stressful day. We had our langauge evaluation, site placement interview, and computer class presentacion, and a graphic design meeting. I was sweating a little, then i got the letter from mom telling me what they were going to eat for my Dads birthday: Family steak, twice baked potatoes, green beans, rolls, and cupcakes. After that, it was all i could think about and it was glorious.
So in other news, i have lost 10 pounds since arriving here. Mostly due to the epic debilitating diarrhea, but also the lack of protein in the diet here. Its all starch and carbs, 100%. So know my Host mom is makign a special diet of milk(cold), eggs, cow meat(not beef), and chicken. I don't feel bad or feel like i look different, but thats what the doc said.
anyways, thats the deal here, the Magic have their first playoff game Sunday, so everybody tune in while i sit under my mosquito net and imagine it happening.
P.S the parasite is fully gone and i am having solids! hahaha gross but awesome news, keep fingers crossed.


  1. Happy to hear you got the letters. I hope you get the rest. I love the photo. I am going to post it on Facebook. Ha!

  2. Ha, I can finally beat you up now! Well, I might have to wait until you lose another 10lbs seeing as you have been in a fight before ;) The beach looks beautiful there, along with some of those girls. I hope you're giving them the South charm. Congrats on the solid bowels, have fun. Miss you man!

  3. Joe - Loved the Pix. Right out of Survivor! Eat Hearty! What is "cow meat" that isn't beef?? Praying for you and your gang.
    Love Grampa and Gramma
