Sunday, April 18, 2010

temblor de la tierra

So apparently we had an earthquake today. I was sitting in bed when it started shaking, i didn't really think much of it. But then my host mom came into the room and asked me if i felt the earthquake. So, thats definitely a first for me. I got to watch the first NBA playoff game yesterday, Bulls vs. Cavs. Unfortunately it was a blowout, but it was still cool.
So i want to talk about the mosquitos and flys here, not to mention the spiders. First of all, mosquitos are always around. Its not liek in Florida where they come out towards sunset and later at night. They are out 24/7 here. And there are a few different types of mosquitos. The ones that come out in the morning and night carry malaria, the ones that come out during the day carry dengue fever. So, either way, the odds of contracting a debilitating disease increases with each mosquito bite. We get malaria medicine which should prevent any symptoms, but Dengue fever is a free for all. Dengue is also called breakbone fever, and apparently it feels like all your bones are breaking at the same time. Cant wait for that. Im sure there is diarrhea associated with it as well.
Flys are another problem here. There are flys over everything. I eat meals in a flurry of flys. They carry their own disease as well, but im not too worried about that one. Spiders are frequent here as well. I saw one the size of a baseball in my shower the other day, yayy.
whew, anyways, just spending another lazy sunday here in the DR.
Love and miss you guys tons.


  1. If you are trying to keep us away, consider yourself the winner! Earthquakes sounds llike a piece of cake compared to the vermin.
    Lov you and kpraying for you
    Grampa and Gramma

  2. Glad to know you are getting Malaria medicine. Whenever I see a fly I will think of you. :-) Case passed the written test for driving. He should be on the road by Fri after we go to DMV.

  3. wow i didn't know we could comment on these!! HI JOE!! I'm sorry I haven't sent you a letter but stamps are pretty expensive. i hope your little mini guitar is making beautiful music for us to play when you get back.

  4. haha, thanks guys. Cool to hear about Cases test. Don, thanks for valuing our friendship enough to spend the 38 cents on a stamp. Appreciate it! hah
