Friday, July 30, 2010


soooooo......nothing really exciting is going on. Just the usual grind. Living it up in my Dominican Penthouse. Doing a lot of work lately trying to put together some english classes, and classes on computer repair. Its a lot of reeding in spanish, and its making my head hurt. I did buy frosted flakes at La Sirena (Dominican Wal Mart) the other day. They were on sale for 80 pesos which is a steel. It tasted soo good. That first bowl of fresh crispy sugar coated flakes bathing in a pool of reasonably cold possibly expired milk, mmmmm. Words don't do it justice. I have a new jar of peanut butter, so thats exciting. I have constructed a mini gym of sorts on my roof using cement blocks. It worked out quite nice yesterday, got a little swole going.
Got my computer back from the store, they couldnt recover any information so everything is lost. All my pictures from in-country. Really sucks! The memories will still live on and all that other crap.
I have been at the prison a couple days this week, and its been really fun. We played hot potatoe, and musical chairs. You can laugh now, but realize that these kids did not have the same upbringing as we did in the states. We played these games in pre-k as we were growing up, but these kids have never played anything like it. They were so aggressive, they even snapped a chair right in half. They really bring it up another level. Its nice working there, because they really appreciate everything that we do. They just like having someone come in to interact with them, and just be able to relax instead of getting drilled all day by the guards. Very rewarding experience. I start my computer classes with them next week, wish me luck. I small cubicle sized room with 15-20 convicted murderers, haha.....seriously....wish me luck.
Anyways, im off to Cabarete tomorrow for 2 volunteers birthday parties. Should be a blast, its right on the coast and its the windsurfing capitol of the world supposedly. get pumped!
Adios muchachos, y cuidanse


  1. So glad you were able to finally have some cereal wha a treat. Hope it didn't give you diarrhea!

  2. Hey Joe, Oh the book you will be able to write!!! Frosted flakes- Yum!
    Some of your other child hood games may be good for your prison buddies. Good to be hearing from you again.
    Love and Prayers
    Grampa and Gramma
