Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First day of school

Im not teaching at the highschool until next week. But, today was our first day of highschool!! Really, cool. It felt great to be able to start fresh with these kids, instead of when i came in at the end of last year. Im a little more familiar with everything, i know i few more people. Im liking this siuation. Well see how it plays out, but as far as first days go, it went pretty well. We gathered all the students in a large classroom and introduced all the teachers, adiminstrators, and even played a few games, a few videos. It was a very well put together presentation. Obviously, i was roped into managing everything technological, and when they couldnt hear sound from the computer and i just unclicked the Mute button, everyone gasped in awe and wonder, "this man knows everything". I dread the day i have to dissapoint them, haha. Everyone is excited about the new year, but isnt everyone always? even in the states everyone is pumped to have a new backpack, pencils, clean fresh notebooks, then you get the first assignment and want to go home. So my schedule is as follows, i dunno if i already told you about this, but anywas
Computer repair Mon-wed-fri 3-4
English Tues-thurs 3-5
Basic computer class at the detention center Tues-wed-thurs 10-11 am

So thats what im starting with. Once i get the feel of things i may or may not add more. Ive also been having to do some laptop repair on the side which gives me stuff to do at home....its lonely....lol.
I also wanted to address an issue of Dominican culture: cell phones. I m not sure how long ago they descovered cell phones but it may as well have been yesterday. People here are always on their cell phones, which is weird because no one ever has any minutes.....so you wander who they are talking to. There is also the part where they keep their phone on full blast...even in meetings.....francisco.....so that people can see them answer their phone, like they have something important to talk about. They pick up their phones during meetings also, its not like, oh ill get this later, its oh lets talk about how things are going in the middle of a budget meeting. They love attention, so they will let their cell phones ring on full blast until they see enough people turn around to look at them, then they answer and talk in voz alta (a high voice). I just shake my head sometimes.
Anyways, things are pretty normal here.....reading alot
Im going to the capital this weekend for committee weekend. Im trying to get on the Medical Mission board, wish me luck.
Friendly reminder: feel free to call me anytime, my number is 809-723-9772 it will cost me nothing but charge you out the wazzoo, lol, or buy a phone card and say hello, or send me a text, lol. Texts arent expensive. Love to hear from ya.
Cuidanse muchachos

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know your schedule. What's a wazzo? Ha-Ha. Those cell phone minutes are "Scarcer than hen's teeth". Glad to know you are such an expert in computer repair. Who'd have thought you would be a computer geek.
