Thursday, August 19, 2010

Platos favoritos

Ahora, I knew in some of my later posts i discussed how much i hate the food, and ill never adjust to it. adjusting. I have honestly never been this healthy for this long in this country (knock on wood). I guess ive never had the opportunity to really enjoy everything i eat, because im either sick, worried about getting sick, just getting over a sickness, etc. Pero, Gracias a Dios estoy in bien salud. Entonces, i thought i would review with you a fie of my favorite dishes:
1. Spaghetti with tostones - i cant really describe the spaghetti, but its different, and good, tostones are flattened platano chips fried twice.
2. Moro de guandules con Pollo Frito - This is like brownish rice with spicy little bean thingys, and fried chicken, super good.
- Ive also found that avocado and bananas are good to mix in with the rice. Seriosuly you should try it sometime. Hot rice with a cold avocado/banana.
3. Sopa - Soup, says it all. Usually noodles, potatoes, chicken, and anything else on the table.
4. La Bandera - This is the typical Dominican Dish. White rice, beans, salad, seasones chicken. Super awesome, super delicious.
-I have also grown accustomed to boiled bananas, platanos and yuka. Sure they boil the flavor right out of them, but they make a great compliment to a slice of cheese or an egg. A plate of boiled platano with 2 fried eggs and a slice of cheese, mmmmm.

Also, i find it amusing how no one drinks liquids with their food. They usually drink afterwards. Im sorry, i cant pound 3 pounds of rice on a dry mouth, its just no happening. Everyones like, here comes Jose better give this weirdo a glass of water with his dinner, pssht.
Well, thats my food rant. In other news, im fixing every computer in the computer lab because they all have a abajillion viruses because these muchachos download anything and everything they can get their hands on. I have to re-format practically every single one. Doesnt help when the electricity goes out either, lol. Also, i taught at the detention center today, and 13 of the 15 computers pooped out so i had 9 kids huddled around 2 computers teaching them how to type. You had to have been there.
Anyways, thats all for today, Hasta Lunes.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think Dad should risk trying one of your favoritos? La Bandera sounds good to me. Maybe you should suggest some antivirus software. Might be something free available on line. adios or ciao or bueno note or ???
